Can the First Baby Bison Born in 6000 Years Help Save the Planet?

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This baby Bison is the first one born in the wild in 6,000 Years.  Can the First Baby Bison Born in 6000 Years Help Save the Planet? Maybe this one can. Regenerative farming is on the rise.

Wild in the UK – Baby Bison

For the first time in 6,000 years, a bison is born in the wild in the U.K. The Kent Wildlife Trust has.  Described as a “eureka moment”, the baby Bison calf was spotted by two rangers.  They were looking for the females in the preserve to find one who had been missing and then the littl baby’s face popped out from behind its mama.

First Baby Born in the Wild in 6000 years in the UK


What is truly so great about this news is that Bison, and other animals can help save the planet through Regenerative Farming. The Bison can be a big help to regenerative agriculture.  As they graze, they stir the soil and leave behind output that can increase soil biodiversity and organic matter.  This helps to improve the soil and makes the land more reliant with respect to climate change.  The soils is also improved in way that helps to grow better crops with out damaging fertilizers So, can the First Baby Bison Born in 6000 Years Help Save the Planet? It is possible!

Some agricultural food producers are now using age-old techniques to amend the soil with manure. Manure is organic matter that includes animal feces, compost, and micro-organism. Small organisms then feed on the fungi and bacteria in a chain of life that comprises the soil food web.

Soil Food Web

USDA Soil Food Web

Regenerative Farming

Regenerative Farming

Lets celebrate their day, National Bison Day.

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Author: Cyndi Recker

Welcome to my corner of the internet, where I share my thoughts on health, fitness, and the environment. I want to make eco-friendly living accessible to everyone, while also promoting personal well-being.

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