Why do we want a Green Food Job?
The daily dose of bad news on our planet can force even the most buoyant of us back under the covers. Challenge your self to Fight Eco-Anxiety with a Green Food Job.
We hear daily about extreme weather, natural disasters, toxic clouds, or other environmental dangers which result in Eco-Anxiety. This is angst about environment damage and how it will impact your future. Surveys show that 3 out of 4 of us want to do something but don’t know where to start. Meaningful environmental work, can be done through many different careers. This post will show how to find a job in the food industry that saves the planet.
Roles for sustainable goals in the Food Industry
- Chef: Design dishes and menus to promote healthy foods that are good for people and the planet.
- Serving staff: When asked, always suggest a healthy food choice.
- Restaurant Owners: Offer quality food choices and look for ways to help those facing food scarcity by donating your surplus
- Nutritionist: Design programs with healthy food choices to lower a patient’s toxic load.
- Operations: Become an efficiency expert to save resources in food production and transportation.
- Food processing: Unprocessed means you picked it yourself. Design and produce minimally processed food. https://thecleanerplanetplaybook.com/blog/food/how-to-make-healthier-food-choices/
- Packaging: Lead the charge for sustainable packaging through science and engineering.
- Agriculture: Look for ways to support soil renewal, regenerative farming, and lower dependence on damaging pesticides.
- R&D: Drive change in the food processing industry.
- QA Food Lab Technician: Help drive to food safety
- Food Technologist: Design and produce foods with high-quality ingredients. Eliminate GRAS (Food ingredients that are Generally Recognized as Safe) that are harmful to humans and animals.
The last goal mentions GRAS, what is it?
An excerpt from The Cleaner Planet Playbook – page 49
Depending on where you live, some food hazards are regulated, and others are not. The health limit of a toxin may be considered Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) by groups like the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), however, these guidelines do not account for accumulated load nor inter- actions of different toxins. Sometimes, the US FDA may consider an additive as potentially harmful at high doses and will still allow these additives to enter our foods unregulated. Again, the acceptable toxic amount may be identified for one additive, but an overall toxic load is difficult to measure when foods are consumed individually and not accounted for cumulatively. This leaves us to figure out our toxic load to mitigate dangers from these toxins.

UK Daily Mail Calls Out US Food Dangers
GRAS – “It allowed manufacturers to bypass the FDA’s lengthy safety review process in order to get their products on shelves quicker. But over time, the food industry has taken advantage of this workaround to push additives with known and unknown health effects.”

Take Steps to Fight Eco-Anxiety with a Green Food Job
My belief is that small actions create a big impact. If you are part of the food industry, we are counting on you! Use these keywords to search for work.
- Sustainable Food
- Environmental Food Technologist
- Food testing
- Soil
- Packaging engineer
- Green chef
- Farm to table restaurants
- Fight Food scarcity
- Food research
- Seeds for Change
- Food transportation
- Food Matters Nutrition Certification
About the Author
Cyndi Recker advocates for wellness through a healthy diet, physical fitness and a natural lifestyle. As a System Engineer, Cyndi loves the challenge of a good problem and innovates through different techniques to find a problem solution. For her systems engineering work, she has been awarded two US patents, recognized for multiple company trade secret innovations and authored several technical papers. On the side, she is an ACE certified group fitness instructor and health coach.
In this book she shows how to use patterns to break down complex topics and find simple steps that build together towards a healthier diet, body, home and lifestyle.
Her intention is to live the best life she can and hopefully inspire others to live theirs while treading lightly on the planet.
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