SIMPLE Ingredients

Living in Arizona requires extra vigilance all year round to protect your skin from the summer sun. No matter where you are, even with sunscreen you can wind up with a burn. Here is a simple recipe to Sooth Your Sunburn Naturally, DIY style.
The sun can get to all of us when we are outside having too much fun and the sun has worked through our sunscreen. The next time you find you have over indulged try this quick DIY to cool your skin down and heal it faster.
Simple Cure Ingredients: Aloe Vera or Coconut Oil?
Aloe Vera, the plant of immortality, is an ingredient that has been used for 5000 years. Aloe vera gel is found when you break open the skin from a spine of the Aloe Vera plant. In Arizona these are easy to grow indoors and out. They are a fun plant often found at a Trader Joe’s in the Fall. They make a cute decoration, they are functional indoor air purifier and you can use the plant for a number of other purposes.

No worries if you don’t have a plant, the pure bottled variety works great too.
To sooth the skin, I add coconut oil for extra healing, hydration and both help reduce inflammation. The recipe is simple and this is for a mild burn. If you have blistered skin, fever or other heat symptoms its best to seek medical help.
Simple Sunburn Recipe
Mix together into a repurposed glass jar.
- 1/4 cup aloe vera gel
- 1/8 cup coconut oil – I like coconut oil that is liquid at room temperature
Stir, seal and store for 30 days.
Apply to sunburn skin as needed.
Bonus ideas:
- store in a refrigerator for extra cooling
- add citronella essential oil to keep the mosquitos away when the sun goes down